A red snow shovel is being used to remove snow from the ground.

Don’t Let Heavy Snow Slow You Down

Hire us for commercial snow removal services in Watkins or Cold Spring, MN

We’re no strangers to winter weather in the Cold Spring and Watkins, MN area, but you don’t want snow and ice to put your business at risk or keep you trapped inside your home. For residential and commercial snow removal you can trust, partner with the pros at BT Outdoor Services. Let us handle the hard work this winter so that you can stay cozy and warm.

We offer convenient snowplowing services for one-time appointments or ongoing contracts with monthly payments. Surcharges vary on size of property and amount of snow fall

For a free estimate on our snowplowing services, reach out to us today.

Keeping your property safe all winter long

Our residential and commercial snow removal services are designed to be as flexible and effective as possible. We offer:

Flexible service options

Response snow removal

Support for Airbnb hosts and landlords

We’re committed to making snow removal easy and hassle-free. Reach out today to discuss all of your options with a member of our team.

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